Mass effect 2 credit cheats
Mass effect 2 credit cheats

Threats are thrown back and forth, and eventually, the Quarian thanks you for your help. At this point, the side quest effectively ends, though if you are a Paragon, you'll want to follow the on-screen prompt during the latter conversation, which will allow you to interject with some righteous indignation. With this information, Kor Tun still claims that the Quarian could have stolen the chit, and even the C-Sec Officer threatens to bring the Quarian in for vagrancy. Get involved in the conversation once more, and immediately let all parties involved know that the missing chit is located at Saronis Applications. With this news garnered, return to the scene of the quarrel. He'll tell you that a Volus did indeed leave it behind, and are requested to report to the Volus to come pick it up at his earliest convenience. While you can talk to him about a bunch of unrelated stuff (which is covered in the walkthrough), you can ask him about a Volus' missing chit. Head to Saronis Applications and speak with the Salarian behind the counter. But where did he leave it behind? Well, it's close-by to where the confrontation was going down in the first place. Rather, he left it behind somewhere (Shepard could have brought this up as a possibility during the previous conversation). We'll spoil the intrigue and let you know that Kor Tun's chit wasn't stolen. Solving the issue is rather easy, if you know precisely where to look. Where to Find the Credit Chit at Saronis Applications The C-Sec officer will tell you that civilian help is unneeded, but ignore him. When you get involved in the conversation, you can ask each character what he or she thinks, and then offer to look into it. The C-Sec officer isn't at all unbiased, acting racist towards Lia'Vael, and somewhat siding with Kor Tun. In turn, the Quarian claims that Kor Tun ran into her rudely, walked away, came back a minute later, and claimed she stole his chit. The Volus, named Kor Tun, claims the Quarian, named Lia'Vael, ran into him and stole a credit chit from him (a chit is a seldom-used word that represents a receipt of monies owed). A Quarian and Volus are quarreling, along with a C-Sec officer who's trying to acquire a statement for a reported crime.

mass effect 2 credit cheats

On the western edge of the Citadel, to the east of the Warehouse, you'll run into a bit of a situation that you'll want to look into.

Mass effect 2 credit cheats